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How Can Places of Worship Help with Vaccinations?

How Can Places of Worship Help with Vaccinations?

More than 5.8 million vaccinations already being carried out in the UK, yet there is still more to do in order to reach the 15 million target, set to be achieved by mid-February. In efforts to increase the number of vaccinations, more places are opening their doors to help safely deliver jabs. These include some places of worship.

They are doing this as a way of facilitating vaccinations to help in the overall global effort to eradicate COVID-19.

Benefits of using a Place of Worship as a Vaccination Centre

In a church, for example, there are many regular attendants to masses that are in the ‘high risk’ category, whether it be their age or health condition. These factors coincide perfectly with them being used as vaccination centres, as they can go to a familiar place that they know the surroundings of whilst giving them the vaccine.

Another benefit is convenience, most people do not live directly next door to a medical establishment. They may, however, live closer to a church or mosque. Many of these people may also be regular attendees of these places of worship, meaning that setting a vaccination centre up in them can be quite effective.

Places of worship tend to have welcoming connotations to them, as in going to your place of worship, you are part of a community who share the same beliefs and read from the same books or scriptures. Medical facilities or official vaccination centres tend to give off an opposite ambience, as they can even frighten people, especially children. Having a vaccination centre within a more familiar atmosphere may be a more preferable place for people to receive their vaccinations.

How Can Portable Partitions Company Help with Vaccinations in Places of Worship?

There are multiple ways of fitting out places of worship such as a Church, Mosque or Synagogue, to ensure everyone’s safety. This is where we at the Portable Partitions Company step in with our range of Covid-19 protection products to put up across your place of worship and convert it into an efficient vaccination centre. Our variety of partitions, ranging from cubicles to room dividers that cover many purposes including, reducing the spread of airborne germs and viruses and separating vaccination cubicles and zones to help keep the staff and recipients of the vaccinations safe.

Our partitions are also reusable and very easy to wipe down and clean. We will make any place of worship as safe any government-approved vaccination facility, whilst also maintaining that welcoming feel to your place of worship, which is vital for the easily scared and sceptical members of your community. Our products listed below can help keep your building COVID-secure.

Clearview Divider 360

Clearview Divider 360

The Clearview Divider 360 is a transparent inspection screen used to decrease the spread of contagious airborne diseases and in this case, COVID-19. The Clearview Divider 360 is a convenient, portable, possibly life-saving partition that can be used in a variety of ways and scenarios, to help maintain safety and keep harmful viruses away.

The benefits of getting a Clearview Divider 360 are as follows:

  • Its clear plexiglass screens allow for optimum visibility, whilst simultaneously reducing the risk of airborne spread.
  • Can be used as a standalone passageway to separate people coming in and out of the vaccination hub.
  • The Clearview divider is available in a wide range of sizes and measurements.
  • Easy to store and portable.


Polycarbonate COVID Cubicle

Polycarbonate COVID-19 Cubicle

The Polycarbonate COVID Cubicle has been developed to enable hospitals, medical clinics and GP surgeries to administer COVID-19 tests and vaccines safely. This means the Polycarbonate COVID Cubicle can allow places of worship to also set up vaccination hubs.

The benefits of the Polycarbonate COVID Cubicle are as follows:

  • The Polycarbonate COVID Cubicle is waterproof, lightweight, and impact-resistant material.
  • It maintains social distancing and privacy.
  • The cubicle is specifically designed for use in vaccination centres.
  • Once again, this partition is available in multiple different measurements and sizes.
  • Easy to store and portable.

Contact Us for Room Dividers & Partitions for Vaccine Hubs

We provide high-quality room dividers and protection screens that are manufactured in the UK to the highest European standards. This is especially important when setting up an unorthodox COVID hub, such as a church or mosque in order to increase the number of vaccinations in the UK.

View our range of COVID-19 protection products here.

Call us on 01684 219774 or you can send us an email at

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