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The benefits of privacy in an office

The benefits of privacy in an office

Open plan offices are great in certain kind of working environments; however they don’t work in all offices or for all workers. It’s important to understand the benefits of privacy in an office. This kind of environment can actually suit certain members of staff and help them to work more effectively.

Here is why introducing privacy and introducing desk dividers and portable partitions to an office can benefit your business.

Use desk and office dividers to allow more focus

Some members of your team will find it difficult to concentrate in an open plan office with lots of visual distractions. Creating an environment where you can openly talk and have group conversations, can be very positive for some people.  For other this can be very distracting. By using desk and office dividers you can create an environment where some staff can fully concentrate,  whilst still maintaining open plan areas for others.

Acoustic dividers or panels to reduce noise distractions

Noise is another big distraction when in an office. With phones ringing and people on calls, it can be hard to think, which is why acoustic dividers or panels can be really beneficial in reducing noise for your staff.

Protects sensitive information with EverBlock kits

If you work in an environment where workers are privy to sensitive information, then screens are essential. If someone is based in a public office then an office divider can help them feel confident that the work they are doing remains confidential. Privacy screens or EverBlock kits can be incorporated into the office environment to offer a solution that’s stylish for the office too.

Screens and dividers can creates an individual and relaxed space

Introducing screens and dividers can help people relax more in their work space. They allow staff their own area to personalise and relax in. Plus with many partitions, you can stick things to them, or ever write on them, making them even more useful!


Find out how portable partitions and office dividers can help support the benefits of privacy in the office. Get in touch with us on 01684 219990 or you can send us a message here with your bespoke requirements.

Small office with waiting area separated by a portable partition.

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